Instalation & Use

1. Log into Your Account

  • Step 1: Visit the Yukita Creative website.
  • Step 2: Click the “Login” button at the top right corner and enter your account credentials (email and password).

2. Access the Download Page

  • Step 1: Once logged in, go to the “My Account” section from the user menu.
  • Step 2: Select the “Download” option from the available menu.

3. Download the Font

  • Step 1: On the “Downloads” page, find the font you purchased.
  • Step 2: Click the “Download” button next to the font you wish to download.

4. Install the Font on Your System

  • Windows:
    • Extract the zip file if necessary.
    • Right-click on the font file (.ttf or .otf).
    • Choose “Install” to add the font to your system.
  • Mac:
    • Extract the zip file if necessary.
    • Double-click on the font file (.ttf or .otf).
    • Click “Install Font” in the window that appears.